Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Frogs and the Food Pyramid!

Good Morning, Frogs! Check out our 

We are not quite this good at singing GOOD MORNING yet, 
but we are working on it daily! 

Today, we learned about how to keep our bodies strong by feeding it healthy, nutritious foods. After we introduced ourselves and sang a couple of our favorite songs, it was time to read! Miss Aris introduced our topic by reading the book Gregory the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat. 

Listen to the story at home: 
We used language circle time to discuss some of the things Gregory ate in the book. Then, we sorted pictures into three categories. Using a Venn diagram, we decided which things we can always eat, never eat, and sometimes eat.

Mrs. Holly modeling a sentence using a key word from the Venn diagram. 

Look at all the Venn diagrams we made!
What better way to demonstrate good eating habits than to enjoy a delicious, nutritious snack? We used snack time today to ask each other questions about what 
snacks we like most.
All the Frogs enjoying their nutritious treats.

After our snack time, we journeyed outside to the playground to put all that energy from our snacks to good use.

The monkey bars were a pretty popular hangout today!

William improvised and made a hat out of a bucket.

Next, it was time for art. We added pictures of smart food choices to our body tracings. We even got to glue some real food onto our projects! During science time, we talked about what drinks are the best fuels for our bodies. We made a prediction if soda, apple juice, or water would be best for us to drink. After we made our guesses, we put carrot slices in a glass of each drink, then let the liquids sit to absorb the moisture.

Which drink will be the healthiest?
After lunch, we went back to give the carrots a good squeeze and see which one still felt strong. We determined that if we want strong, healthy bodies, we should fill them with as much water as possible.

Grayson testing the carrots to see which one still feels firm. he served as our special helper today! 
We wrapped up the day by singing a song about fruit salad, in addition to our class favorites. We are sad we have to say goodbye to our friend Anderson this week as he is going on vacation, but we are so excited to begin a new 
theme next week!

Lets giddy up and ride to... The Wild West! See you Monday!

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