Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch, and Smell

Camp Day 3 with the Fantastic Frogs!
Miss Hayley holding our book of the day, Smelly Socks

Today was our third day with the Fantastic Frogs and learning about the human body. We began our day by going to Welcome Circle and singing our Good Morning song. Everyone is starting to catch on with the words and movements! We greeted all of our friends as they introduced themselves to the group, and we selected our special helper of the day. We sang our class theme song, "5 Green and Speckled Frogs" and were able to all hold a frog and make it splash into the water! We really like this song! 

Grayson throwing a frog into the "pond" while singing our class 
theme song, "5 Green and Speckled Frogs". 
After welcome circle, Miss Hayley introduced our topic of the day: The 5 Senses. For our language circle, Miss Hayley read the book Smelly Socks by Robert Munsch. This book was about Tina, who bought some really cool socks. She loved her socks so much that she NEVER wanted to take them off! She wore her socks for TWENTY days without washing them. Her friends thought her socks smelled so bad that they held her down and washed them in the river! Tina realized that wearing clean socks was much nicer than wearing smelly socks! 
Miss Hayley reading our book of the day, Smelly Socks
As a class, we talked about how Tina's friends could tell that her socks were stinky. The class decided that through their sense of smell and sight, we could smell and see that Tina's socks were dirty! 
On the left is a "smelly, dirty" sock. On the right is the clean sock.  
Miss Hayley then walked around the circle and let us smell a "smelly" sock. She then let us smell a "clean" sock. We talked about the difference between the two socks. This helped us understand why it is important to have clean socks!
Anderson smelling the "dirty" sock as Caleb, Sparrow, Chander, and
 Nikhil are "knocked out" by the stench!
As a whole group activity, we completed a story chart, where we discussed the title, main characters, the setting, and problem of the book. After finishing the story chart as a whole group, the Frogs went to the table and filled out our own. Everyone did really well writing their own answers!
Our class story chart where we answered the questions about the book, Smelly Socks

Olivia with her completed story chart.

All the Frogs seated at the table completing their written language activity.

We wrapped up our language circle and writing activity by singing a class favorite, "Tootie Ta". Then it was time for bathroom and snack. 

After finishing snack, we hopped our way outside for recess. The Frogs had the chance to play with each other and the Talking Turtles. We love seeing our friends outside!
Bobby sliding down the slide!

Anderson and Caleb playing together on the car!
We made our way back inside where we began our art project for the day! The Frogs were given a piece of paper and asked to trace their hands. Then Miss Hayley had a "mystery box" that had items inside. The Frogs had to reach inside and guess what the item was using their sense of touch, and then glue it onto the fingers of their traced hand! We glued five different items on our hands that all felt different. We then talked about how they felt different using descriptive words. The Frogs loved reaching into the 
mystery box!
Anderson with his finished art project.

After art, we made our way to the carpet where we started science. Since the Frogs love science so much, we did 2 science experiments today! The first experiment used our sense of sight. We asked the question, "How many pom poms are inside the jar?" Each camper made their predictions on how many there were. We then took all of the pom poms out and discovered that there were 15. We had several Frogs who predicted correctly! We then discussed how we figured out the number of pom poms. The Frogs came to the conclusion that we used our sense of sight.
Our class predictions from our first science experiment!
For our second experiment, we used the mystery box again. Miss Hayley hid an object in the box and presented the question, "What is inside the box?" Each Frog had the opportunity to come to the front, put their hand in the box to feel the item, and then make their prediction- a toy lizard, toothbrush, or a crayon. After our predictions were made, Miss Hayley opened the box and showed the Frogs that it was a toothbrush! We then discussed how we could figure out this was a toothbrush, and the Frogs decided it was through our sense of touch. 
Aashu reaching in the mystery box. He's using his sense of touch 
to figure out what is inside!
Our class predictions for what was inside the mystery box!
After science it was time for centers. The Frogs had the opportunity to play in the kitchen, read books, practice writing words about the human body, or play with blocks. The kitchen seems to be the class favorite! 
Grayson with his block tower that he built during centers!
Chander cooking some food in the kitchen during centers!
After centers, it was already time for bathroom and lunch. During lunch we were able to sit and relax, while talking to our class friends. When lunch was finished, it was time for music! We sang the song, "We Like Peanut Butter" and a few others. Mrs. Holly introduced a new song and the Frogs really enjoyed taking turns using the alligator to snap the monkeys out of the tree! 
Garrison showing Miss Hayley his "beehive"
 and "bees"  he made at home. 
After music it was already time for us to go home! We all had so much fun today learning about the 5 senses that our day blew by! It is hard to believe that tomorrow is our last day to learn about the human body! Tomorrow Miss Aris will be reading the book, Gregory the Terrible Eater, so you definitely dont want to miss it! 

Don't forget...on Thursdays, we all wear our camp shirts! We look forward to seeing everyone in blue!

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