Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Life on the Ranch with Charlie the Ranch Dog

We started the day as we always do; we sang our good morning song and welcomed our friends to class. 

Miss Aris leading the class in roll call. Each camper says their name in a sentence and the class responds with
 "Good Morning, __________."

Next, Mrs. Holly read us a book called Charlie the Ranch Dog by Ree Drummond, and we helped Mrs. Holly add pictures to the book.

William, our Special Helper, putting a picture in the book as Mrs. Holly reads.

Next, we welcomed a special guest to our classroom: Charlie himself! We watched Charlie's owner introduce him to the world.

Image result for charlie the ranch dog
Meet Charlie!

After we read about Charlie, we made a Venn diagram to compare him to his friend Suzie. Charlie and Suzie are alike because they are both brown and white dogs, but only Suzie can jump, and only Charlie has floppy skin.

Before we knew it, it was time for snack! During our snack time to talk about Charlie, Suzie, and our pet dogs. 

William and Austin talking about Charlie's duties on the ranch
Next came our favorite part of the day: recess! We love to run, jump, and climb while we play with our classmates and camp friends.

Dylan, Garrison, Aarav, and Chander planting a rooftop garden.

Aashu, Austin, and Caleb going for a spin.

William, Olivia, Nikhil, Aarav, and Chander turned the sandbox into a construction zone.

After our playground time, we talked about the garden in the story, and how Charlie had to keep Daisy the cow away from the radishes. At art time, we created our very own gardens. We sure hope Daisy doesn't invade our gardens!

Grayson showing his messy finger after planting radishes in his garden.

Garrison, Mrs. Holly, and Dylan hard at work in their gardens.

During science, we sang a song to help us remember the steps of the scientific method.

Real scientists observe, ask a question, make a hypothesis, experiment, then analyze what they find.

We used those steps to answer the question "What solution will make the egg shell disappear?" We looked at three solutions: oil, vinegar, and rice, then we made our hypothesis. We'll analyze our data tomorrow and answer our question.

Everybody took turns selecting a hypothesis on the board.

Sparrow lets us know how he feels about the smell of the vinegar.

Bobby thinks the oil will make the eggshell soft.

After science, we hung out in our centers for a little bit before lunch. We really love fishing and camping out in our new centers this week!

Aashu and Miss Hayley practice tracing the words of the week.

Olivia and Aarav fish for vocab words.

Sparrow and Caleb cook over the open fire at cowboy camp.

We ended the day by dancing to our new cowboy song, as well as singing some of our favorite class songs. We will travel back to the ranch tomorrow to learn some more about life out in the Wild West.

The Peanut Butter Song is always a hit!

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