Tuesday, July 11, 2017

UNCOVER the Human Body!


Today was our second day at the Speech Garden Summer Camp. We continued to learn about the human body in more detail while becoming more comfortable with our classroom setting. We started the day by welcoming each other to camp and exploring new activities in the class. We took turns introducing ourselves then sang our Good Morning Song.   

Miss Lenna with our book of the day. 
Today, Mrs. Lenna continued to teach us about the body by reading Undercover the Human Body by Luann Colombo. We focused on learning about our muscles and how they are connected to our bones by singing the Tendon Song
"What do the tendons do?
What do the tendons do?
Connect the muscles to the bones
That's what the tendons do!"

All our campers began the day with great attention during our Language Circle.

After reading, we completed an Alphabox using the vocabulary we learned. An Alphabox is a graphic organizer that focuses on the beginning sound of each word. After completing the Alphabox as a group, the Frogs completed a smaller version individually.  

After our bathroom and snack break, it was time for outdoor play! The Frogs really enjoyed being outside today.

Bobby, going down the slide.

Anderson, Sparrow, and their new friend played lots of pretend driving.

Aarav and Chander spend most their time playing on the monkey bars. 
They love hanging from them and showing off their climbing skills. 

Aashu loved going down the slide today, he also practiced
 turn-taking skills with the other sliders. 

Nikhil, Anderson, and Sparrow on the see-saw.

After outside play, it was time for art! Today, the Frogs made a demonstration of how muscles are connected to the bones by gluing stretchy cotton balls to connect our paper bone and muscle. 
Caleb works on completing his art.

After art was completed, we transitioned to science where we expanded our knowledge about muscles. Miss Lenna demonstrated two physical activities, a squat and raising a hand. The Frogs were asked to guess what muscles was being used during the physical activity. We came to the conclusions that during a squat our quadriceps are being used, and when raising our hands our deltoids are being stretched.

Nikhil makes an educated guess while Sparrow, Chander, and Garrison wait their turn. 

After art and science, it was time to explore our centers. 

During centers, Sparrow wrote a lovely message on our board!

Miss Aris reading a story with Dylan.

Olivia traced perfectly over the body vocabulary words int he writing center.

After Center time, we finished our day by singing our favorite class songs. We also learned a new good-bye song that encouraged the Frogs to look forward to coming back tomorrow when Miss Hayley will teach us about The Five Senses. 

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