Friday, July 21, 2017

Horsin' Around With Ranch Animals

We can't talk about the Wild West without talking about the animals that live on a ranch! After we said hello to our friends, sang our morning songs, and did some cowboy exercises, we listened to Miss Aris read Going to Sleep on the Farm by Wendy Cheyette Lewison. As we read, we had to listen to the instructions so we could sleep like the animals in the story.

Miss Aris reads Going to Sleep on the Farm out loud.
The whole class snuggled up, just how pigs sleep!

Afterwards, we used the keywords in the story to make an Alphabox, matching up words such as duck, pig, and bunny to the letters that they start with. We also checked the results of our science experiment with Miss Hayley yesterday, and we found that a cactus can have a healthy, happy life in the desert.

Miss Hayley showed us a cactus can live in a desert, but not the Arctic!
Right after language circle, we had our snack and made our way outside for some playground fun!

Our Special Helper, Dylan, poses with some pretty greenery.
Teamwork makes the dream work, Aarav and Chander!
Sparrow serves up some "ice cream" to Olivia.
Before we came inside for art, we stopped to pick some fresh green grass to decorate our art projects. Then, we made a hide-and-seek barn for our ducks, pigs, and chickens to live as they doze beneath the dark night sky.

Everybody pitched in grass to add to our art scenes.
Everybody's hard at work building those barns!
After art, we talked about all the products we can get from cows' milk such as ice cream, yogurt, and cheese. Before those items get to the store, though, the cows have to do some hard work to make milk!

After talking about products we get from cows' milk, we got to make our very own butter! Everybody made a hypothesis to answer the question "what is the best way to make butter?" Once we chose between shaking, stirring, or pouring the milk, it was time to put those guesses to the test.

Everybody posted their hypothesis on the big board.
Caleb helps Miss Aris squeeze the milk out of the "udder."
Aarav thinks stirring is the best way to make butter.
Austin gives the jar a good shake!
In the end, we discovered that shaking the milk was the fastest way to produce creamy, yummy butter!

The finished product
We talked and laughed during lunchtime about some of our favorite places to eat and some of our favorite movies. Then, we ended the day with the last rodeo of the Cowboy Dance and some songs such as Five Little Monkeys.

Along came Grayson, quiet as can be...

We are riding off into the sunset at the end of Wild West week, but we are gearing up to go on a SAFARI next week!

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