During our first week of camp, we will explore the Human Body. We will incorporate communication skills during our center time.
Art: Provide paper, markers, and crayons to allow students to practice tracing their hands or drawing various parts of the body.
- Communication Goal: The campers will be encouraged to discuss or label the parts of the body they are tracing.
Dramatic Play: Kitchen area will be open and stocked with cooking and food materials. Campers will be encouraged to sort foods that are healthy/not healthy for our bodies.
- Communication Goal: Increase vocabulary. Use complete sentences. Interact with peers.
Literacy: Provide a variety of books about the human body. Clinician available to read and promote communication. Flipbooks of different letters and body parts will be provided.
- Communication Goal: Attend to a story for 3-5 minutes. Answer questions about content. Comment on pictures and story.
Sensory Table: Provide box full of sand and hide different bones in the sand. The child will then find the hidden objects and connect the skeleton together.
- Communication Goal: Communicate with peers by working together to organize colors correctly and taking turns.
Writing: Provide paper, pencils, and written words of the various body parts for students to practice their writing skills.
- Communication Goal: The students will be encouraged to practice their fine motor skills of holding pencils correctly, while beginning to write their names and words relating to parts of the body.
Constructive Play: Provide a variety of different blocks or legos. Encourage students to build structures that are strong to represent our bones in our body.
- Communication Goal: Communicate with peers about the structures they are building and work on turn taking.
There will also be some cues provided in the classroom:
- Written Cues: Picture cards with names of different body parts and matching activities to match body parts to written words.
- Visual Cues: Real photos of various body parts and sign language picture cards for body vocabulary.
- Literacy: Various books emphasizing the human body for reading.
- Graphic Organizers: Bubble maps, Venn Diagrams, Alphaboxes, and Story Charts that are completed as a whole group activity, and also as individual activities in each camper's written language folder.
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